Dear Reader,
I am here for you.
I want you to know that you don’t have to keep feeling so busy-busy-busy or unfulfilled. There is another way to live.
I want you to know that you can find a beautiful balance between the masculine (striving, reaching, building) and feminine (surrendering, receiving, allowing) energies in your life. And I can help. 🙂
And, I want you to know that if you are curious about spirituality, intuition, rituals, dream interpretation, oracle cards, and other things that some people might find “strange” or “unusual,” you are not alone.
My community is a community of people who love the practicalities of getting things done and integrating spirituality into life, too! Both/and.
I create spaces to dialogue about how to take steps to stand in the future big vision for yourself RIGHT NOW.
As I close 2020, I am getting even more clear on ways I can serve my community.
If you want to tell me what you are most curious about or struggling with, I will reply to you and consider offering your topic in a newsletter or course I offer. (Keeping you anonymous, of course). Comment below or email me.
PS. What most people don’t know about me is that I used to feel terribly lonely for my first 10 years in New Zealand and I would wake in the night crying to my husband that I craved deep, authentic female friends that understood me for who I was, not as a mom. [Now, I have fulfilling friendships and embrace my immigrant-ness. Most don’t know the journey I took to get here.]
PPS. What is one thing most people don’t know about you? Comment or email me and I will wrap you up in love and choose an oracle card for you!