Are you are afraid you won’t have work when this pandemic is over? Do you worry about loved ones? Or, maybe the big vision for your life now seems farther away than ever.
I get it.
I know what it’s like to feel lost and anxious in uncertain times.
I also know what it’s like to spin my wheels and notice stress take over, such that days go by and I don’t do what really matters to me.
Yet, in times where I, or my clients, are triggered, I find that the way forward is one step at a time with micro-sized, daily action AND connection.
Staying in a silo exaggerates our fears and prevents us from thinking clearly.
That’s why I created the Radiant Women program. And, it’s the reason behind updating it to address the times we currently find ourselves in with social distancing and constant worry about our state of being.
I’m offering a year long program to allow the time to create positive, sustainable change that you can bring forward to your work and relationship, which may be feeling stressed to the brink right now.
You’ll begin the program with how we pivot and shift in the challenge of the pandemic. We will start with how to accept this new reality with compassion and mindfulness.
And at the end of this year you will have:
- Clarity with purposeful action.
- Language and skills to utilize in life over and over again so that you can gently walk yourself home in crisis.
- Connections with women to support you in healthy ways of responding to life’s circumstances.
Sign up and join an intimate group to get specialized bi-weekly/fortnightly coaching and attention to your specific needs and situation. I am giving you all of my best, most effective tools along with monthly life coaching lessons, mindfulness and powerful spiritual experiences. This will be the kind of self care you never regret investing in.
The program starts in less than a week, on April 5th NZ/April 4th USA.
The investment is in New Zealand dollars which means it is only a $1 a day for USA in today’s exchange rate.
Here are the steps you need to take to grab your seat in this intimate, select group program.
Step 1: Register and make your payment here. This page will give you more info and 2 payment options.
Step 2: Once registered, look for a confirmation email from me with the details of how to log into our first call on April 4th/5th at your local time.
Step 3: You show up for our calls and work through ALL of the stuff that’s coming up for you right now with the support of a professional and credentialed coach so you have the tools you need to make other through this sticky time.
Men that read this, please consider the women in your life. 🙂 The whole program will now be online! And, I’ve opened this program to my American and overseas friends because of the pandemic. Meetings are now scheduled to happen twice a month Saturdays in USA, which is Sunday for my local, New Zealand participants.
Hit reply and let me know what questions you have. I’ll personally respond to you to with answers to them.
I’m looking forward to you anchoring yourself in practicing skills and choosing companionship with me over the next year. You can sign up here.