Day 12 Coaching Prompt
Today, replace “should” with “could” and see how you feel.
“I should do yoga.” vs.” I could do yoga.”
“I should eat better.” vs. “I could eat better.”
“I should be learning this faster.” vs. ” I could be learning this faster.”
Should removes us from the present moment and inserts a judgement that we should be doing something other than we are. The opportunity is for us to be more present and engaged with our life and choices.
A simple shift from should to could opens up a different way to percieve our life. For instance, I could be learning this faster but I am not right now.
Now, I am faced with the choice about 1.) whether or not I want to learn this faster and if so, 2.) what could I do to help myself learn faster (if I really want to).
Telling ourselves (or another) that we should do something probably reflects a controlling method of motivation used by our parents and passed down by their parents. Now is the time to consider what inner dialague is most helpful for you. And, of course, this inner dialogue spreads to conversations with others. Consider how it feels when someone says, “you should be doing ____” vs. “you could do ____”.
Which is more helpful: should or could?
The aim is to breathe an air of freedom and choice into your decisions and ordinary thoughts.
I invite you to play with could and open up choices for yourself. Find ways to motivate yourself that acknowledge the present situation as well as the life you want to live.
If you are just joining the 28 days of Life Coaching, welcome!
This course is designed to give you 28 days of coaching tools that you can apply in your life. These are some of my favorite techniques and exercises – small and actionable each day. You can do all 28 days or just one. I trust that you will get just what you need.
I strongly believe that you have all the guidance to thrive living within you right now. These tips are ways to access that medicine that lives within.
Although my hope is that you develop some healthy ways to coach yourself, these 28 days are not a substitute for one to one coaching sessions. If you feel that you are wanting more, please reach out to talk:
[email protected].