I am a little like you. I get tension in my chest when life starts to change beyond my control.
Last night, I noticed that I was distracted by a nagging in my heart. It was 4:00pm. I checked my calendar and chose to leave my desk early.
I went outside. Made a fire my copper bowl in my backyard. Settled in for a ritual with the fire and my soul.
With each piece of kindling I placed on the flames, I released words to the fire. I let the flames burn the energy out of the ache in my heart. I watched the wood turn red and pulse with heat. The wood became ash. The tension in my heart became warm and soft.
Our ancestors knew the elements in a more intimate way. Before electricity our only source of heat in our homes came from fire. Flickering flames have a way of transforming our minds and hearts.
Of course, my mind used to make this complicated and tell me it was too hard to stop and make a fire for myself. Or I would worry about what others think.
With practice, it became easier to do a burning bowl ritual with all those thoughts playing in my head. My daughters and husband also grew used to seeing me do this and watching me shift. Sometimes they even join me now.
I offer virtual ceremonies and rituals in my Radiant Women’s Circles because I believe strongly in the power of bringing meaning to our lives by slowing down and having a conversation with our life. Lean into nature and her constant cycles.
In a recent survey of women in last year’s Radiant Women’s program, each woman said that the ceremony was one of the strongest parts of the year together for them. I sense that we all crave more ceremony, ritual and meaningful conversations in our lives.
If you feel called to be in a community of women around the world that gather and connect with ceremony, conversations and the divine feminine, email me to get on the list and be the first to know when the next circle opens.
Love, Kirsten
PS. If you would like a video to refer to make your own ritual by the fire, simply email kirsten@kirstenbridge with “FIRE”. I got you.
PPS. Forward this post to a friend as an invite to experiment in a ritual together! Notice what happens. Be willing to laugh and cry. You are invited to tell me all about it – even if you do this months from now! [Have water close by and keep the ground wet.]