“Be patient toward all that is unsolved in your heart and try to love the questions themselves, like locked rooms and like books that are now written in a very foreign tongue. Do not now seek the answers, which cannot be given you because you would not be able to live them. And the point is, to live everything. Live the questions now. Perhaps you will then gradually, without noticing it, live along some distant day into the answer.”
― Rainer Maria Rilke
When I was 20 years old, this quote came to me in divine timing. I had been in therapy and craved a more mystical angle to balance psychology so that I could make sense of the life I was embarking on in my career and relationships.
This past weekend, I celebrated my 50th birthday and I can happily say that I feel my more solid in my relationships and life than when I was 20 because “I lived the questions.”
This is a big lesson because each decade I have become more clear in who I am and able to hold onto myself in the face of others’ opinions. I am able to consider the factual, physical world and ask what is true for me.
Can I still feel wobbly in front of others? Yes.
And when I feel tension, I choose to own my truth and values.
This past weekend, I gave a toast/speech to my family in front of others. I shared intimate details in honor of a life shared together.
To begin my speech, I asked everyone to be still with me.
Why does this matter?
Because slowing down into stillness creates a powerful place to find calm in a group. I become more more present with the moment and people in front of me.
One thing I know is true, we don’t have to do this life alone.
We can find stillness and togetherness.
We can live these questions together.
I am hosting an end of year virtual workshop where we will take time to be still, reflect and acknowledge 2021 so that we can lay another year to rest and be ready to respond and create a new year.
Would you like to celebrate the end of a year together?
Virtually join me and others in reflection and ritual to end the year so that you can let go and be more open to next years “questions.” Sign up here.
I would love to have you join me for the end of year– no matter if it was a disappointing, fun, or frustrating year.
It is what it was.
PS. I had fun making a Instagram Live with The Happy Mindsetter coach. If you want know me a little more and what I am up to, jump here.
PPS. Do you have a friend that may benefit from time to slow down to reflect on 2021? Please invite them to join us too.